Jez Higgins

Freelance software grandad
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There go the makefiles. Realised that I don't need to do VC6 project files. In fact I can't, because the XPath engine uses Boost.Spirit 1.8.0, available as part of Boost 1.32, which VC6 can't build. It might work with 1.6.* I suppose, but I haven't checked it.

Built through with gcc 3.3.3 on Cygwin. Made about half a dozen minor, minor fixes to silence its warnings, mainly adding default cases to switch statements to stop it complaining about unhandled enum values. I'm getting 3 errors and 4 failures out of 388 tests. Haven't looked at it yet, but it looks like something to do with std::string::substr.

Built with gcc 4.0.1 on Cygwin, currently with a number of warnings. Tests fail in a spectacular core-dumping way. Too late to do anything tonight though, it's bed time for hackers.

Tagged code, arabica, xml, and c++

Jez Higgins

Freelance software grandad
software created
extended or repaired

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