Jez Higgins

Freelance software grandad
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XML Benchmark 1.1 is a C/C++/Java toolset for benchmarking XML parsers including Expat with Arabica, libxml2, Xerces, Oracle XDK, RXP, QT, and Crimson. Benchmarks include parsing (native, SAX, DOM), DOM manipulation, schema validation, XSL transformation, and XML signature and encryption and whole pile of other stuff. It has a load of graphs for speed and memory use and things, but haven't really worked out what they all mean. Unfortunately there's not "easy-of-use" metric, because I'm pretty sure Arabica would win that :).

Picked up from Cafe con leche (useful and interesting site, but horrible way to drink coffee).

Tagged code, arabica, xml, and c++

Jez Higgins

Freelance software grandad
software created
extended or repaired

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